
Heidi Bradford Coaching

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Fresh Perspectives and "Sometimes"

Today I'd like to share a life hack with you. It applies to thoughts that come up about your body, and can be used generally as well. Let's say this thought pops to your mind: I don't make healthy eating choices. If you keep thinking that, you'll keep believing it, and you may even make it happen. Instead of trying to deceive ourselves and tell ourselves the opposite thing right away (i.e. I make healthy eating choices.), here's a great option to try. Alter the thought to include the word,...

At age 39, I was frustrated that I kept gaining weight. Nothing I did seemed to translate into losing weight. In this frustration, I complained to my sister about it. Her response went something like this, "You're almost 40. We've all been there. It's just the way it is now." I was irritated. And I also believed her. For the next year, I acted from the belief that my weight was going to be "this" amount because of my age. How do you think I showed up? Was I going to the gym? Was I exercising?...

Not getting enough vegetables? Eating enough vegetables is one of the trickiest things for me. Sometimes I haven't purchased enough vegetables so they run out before I get to the store again. Other times, I have peppers mold, avocados shrivel, and lettuce wither just because. Knowing I struggle with this, I try to keep some veggies on hand always--namely carrots and canned green beans. Another step I take to help myself in this is to note recipes I like and prepare them often. One of our...

Did you know that you don't have to bounce between resisting food and eating food? There is another option. That option is to allow. Let's say you walk into the kitchen and this thought pops in your head, "Chocolate chips sound good right now." Allowing looks like a mix of acknowledgment and confidence. "Yes, chocolate chips do sound good. I am (or am not) going to have some because of _________." Can you see how that's different from resisting, and also different from giving in? If you're...

There is a saying that, "Practice makes perfect." My grandmother altered the saying to, "Perfect practice makes perfect." I heard this mostly in regard to playing the piano during my piano lessons. It applies in the arena of weight loss as well. As you practice being okay with wanting to eat something and NOT eating it, you'll get better at it. Practice it again and again. This practice will build trust with yourself and prove to yourself that you can feel urges and experience discomfort and...

This week, I've been considering what the best motivator for losing weight is. The answer? The one that works for you now. Almost any motivator CAN work. The key word being CAN. Here are the top 7 motivators that have helped my clients lose weight in the past year... I just want to. My doctor says I have to. So I don't have a big belly in front of me. So I can sit and play with my grandkids on the floor. To feel better (aches, pains, spasms) To like myself more. To fit into the other half of...

Who do you blame when you don't reach your weight goals? Is it yourself? Your spouse? The diet industry? Now, who do you "blame" (or credit) for your success when you do reach a weight goal? It is common to blame a different entity for our failure than our success. However, it can be helpful to find ways to blame the same entity for both failures and successes. For example, when you credit a weight loss company for losing 10 pounds and then blame yourself when you gain 5 pounds, there's a...

The first step for anyone hoping to lose weight is a commitment to themself. Losing weight requires dedication. It requires a change of mindset. It requires changes in patterns of behavior. But you can do it. A commitment looks like, "I'm going to focus and prioritize on losing x amount of pounds in y amount of time." It sounds simple, but this one step is HUGE in bringing success. This clear statement makes the brain look for ways to accomplish the commitment. To make it happen. The brain...

Have you spent time thinking about yourself once you reach your natural weight? Let's do it now. This is a short, 8 question visualization exercise. Record your answers if you'd like. **Visualize yourself at your weight goal. How do you eat? How do you think and feel about food? How do you dress? How do you think and feel about your body? How do you handle social pressure? How do you handle yourself emotionally? What role does food play in your life? How are your self esteem and your...

Do you know when you're hungry? Many people eat because it's "time for lunch," or because they're out with friends. Is that you? Having usual times to eat a meal can serve you well, but it can also perpetuate overeating. If you don't know what hunger feels like to you, take a break from eating at your usual times and wait until you are hungry. Do that for a few days and see if you can better identify what hunger feels like in your body. Often the sensation of hunger is often felt in the...