Fresh Perspectives and "Sometimes"

Today I'd like to share a life hack with you.

It applies to thoughts that come up about your body, and can be used generally as well.

Let's say this thought pops to your mind: I don't make healthy eating choices.

If you keep thinking that, you'll keep believing it, and you may even make it happen.

Instead of trying to deceive ourselves and tell ourselves the opposite thing right away (i.e. I make healthy eating choices.), here's a great option to try.

Alter the thought to include the word, "sometimes."

In this case: Sometimes I don't make healthy eating choices.

You can add, "And sometimes I do." If you want to as well.

The thoughts we have are not 100% factual.

I like to think that our brain is offering us a dessert.

We can accept what it offers, say no thanks and refuse, or ask for a different one.

In this case, we're accepting the dessert (I don't make healthy eating choices) and adding some chocolate syrup or whipped cream to the top (Sometimes...I don't make healthy eating choices).

Isn't the statement with the "Sometimes" even more factual and honest?

Happy Friday,

Heidi Bradford

Heidi Bradford Coaching

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