Fresh Perspectives and Blame

Who do you blame when you don't reach your weight goals?

Is it yourself?

Your spouse?

The diet industry?

Now, who do you "blame" (or credit) for your success when you do reach a weight goal?

It is common to blame a different entity for our failure than our success.

However, it can be helpful to find ways to blame the same entity for both failures and successes.

For example, when you credit a weight loss company for losing 10 pounds and then blame yourself when you gain 5 pounds, there's a disconnect.

Whatever pounds you decide to blame or credit to someone or something, give some of the blame and some of the credit to the SAME entity.

Try not to mix and match.

This will keep you seeing the positives and negatives of each part of your weight loss instead of giving credit and placing blame on pieces.

Always take some of the credit for yourself.

And some of the blame too.

After all, no weight loss regime, product, etc will work if you don't work it.

Go get it!

Heidi Bradford Coaching

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