Fresh Perspectives and the First Step [FREE OFFER INSIDE]

The first step for anyone hoping to lose weight is a commitment to themself.

Losing weight requires dedication.

It requires a change of mindset.

It requires changes in patterns of behavior.

But you can do it.

A commitment looks like, "I'm going to focus and prioritize on losing x amount of pounds in y amount of time."

It sounds simple, but this one step is HUGE in bringing success.

This clear statement makes the brain look for ways to accomplish the commitment.

To make it happen.

The brain will also look for ways to make it easier to do.

You've got this.

AND if you'd like a hand in starting the process, I have an amazing offer for you.

GET A FREE 30 MINUTE COACHING SESSION by replying, "YES," to this email.

You'll receive an email and time options for a 30 minute coaching session with ME!

But act fast, this offer ends next Friday at midnight.

Heidi Bradford Coaching

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Today I'd like to share a life hack with you. It applies to thoughts that come up about your body, and can be used generally as well. Let's say this thought pops to your mind: I don't make healthy eating choices. If you keep thinking that, you'll keep believing it, and you may even make it happen. Instead of trying to deceive ourselves and tell ourselves the opposite thing right away (i.e. I make healthy eating choices.), here's a great option to try. Alter the thought to include the word,...

At age 39, I was frustrated that I kept gaining weight. Nothing I did seemed to translate into losing weight. In this frustration, I complained to my sister about it. Her response went something like this, "You're almost 40. We've all been there. It's just the way it is now." I was irritated. And I also believed her. For the next year, I acted from the belief that my weight was going to be "this" amount because of my age. How do you think I showed up? Was I going to the gym? Was I exercising?...

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